Friday, March 4, 2016

Exciting Changes for 2016 Kirby Derby Training Program

Exciting Changes for 2016 Kirby Derby Training Program

The Kirby Derby Training Program, in its fifth year, starts on March 22rd.  The program is FREE and open to anyone who wants to participate in 5K/10K training.  Organizers have made some changes to this year’s training program that will help both beginning walkers/runners as well as seasoned runners prepare for a successful Kirby Derby on May 14th.  The Kirby Wellness Trail on the campus of Kirby Medical Center is complete.  The trail is a paved ten feet wide one mile long path that encircles the hospital. Here are the key details about the training program:

  • Participants will meet at Kirby Medical Center and train on the new wellness trail. 
  • The eight week training group will meet twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday night at 5:30. 
  •  This program will improve the results of people at every developmental level, from walkers and new runners that have never completed a 5K to seasoned runners. The wellness trail makes it possible to hold multiple training programs for participants of all levels at the same time.
  • This year participants will have the opportunity to participate in a structured interval training program. 

Interval training is a key component of a training program for runners who are trying to get stronger and faster and improve their race time.  Interval training consists of running hard for short distances followed by jogging a recovery phase.  This cycle is repeated numerous times throughout the workout. Repeating these cycles of intense training helps train your body to run through exhaustion.  Running these hard intervals will lengthen your stride and improve your running form making you a more efficient runner.  As a result, you will be able to run faster over long distances.  Running with a group during interval training will help keep you motivated during the intense workouts and help maximize your results.  The Kirby Wellness Trail has markers every tenth of a mile.  These markers are ideal for running intervals for specific distances.  This makes the Kirby Derby Training Program the perfect venue for interval training. 

Core strength and flexibility are also important to running strong and staying injury free.   Prior to each training session participants can also participate in core strengthening exercises led by Kirby Derby Training Program staff.  The training staff consists of numerous runners with a vast amount of experience and knowledge in training.  They can advise on warm-up activities, stretching, injury prevention, and answer questions about training strategies. 
Enhance your training and race day experience.  Join us every Tuesday and Thursday night at 5:30 from March 22nd through May 12th at the Kirby Wellness Trail.   Discover a great a place to train, make some new friends, and reach your race day goals at the Kirby Derby!  
“Believe it in your heart, see it in your mind, achieve it with your body.”  Anonymous

Duane Schlabach is a Registered Nurse at Kirby Medical Center and he holds a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology from Indiana University.

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